Paper Submission
We accept the submission of high quality papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, experimental and theoretical work or research related to the conference’s theme. The papers submitted to the conference will undergo a double-blinded peer review. Acceptance or rejection of the papers will be notified after reviewing process. CV should be submitted together with abstract.
- Abstract Submission is now closed
Formatting Guidelines
Form of Manuscript
All manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form, in Microsoft Word format, size A4 and named with author’s name.
All manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English. The manuscript does not contain grammatical or English errors; this is especially important if English is not your first language.
Maximum Length
Contributions should not exceed the following limits (including footnotes and appendices):
– for academic articles, 8,000 – 10,000 words;
– for case and legislation comments, 5,000 words
However, well-written, concise contribution which exceed these limits will be considered.
Style Guidelines
Title should be concise and descriptive.
Name and Autobiographical Notes
Authors should supply their full name in the convention they prefer. Autobiographical details should appear as the first footnote of each manuscript, and include the contributor’s institutional affiliation and current title. Acknowledgements (if any) may also be included.
An abstract should not exceed 150 words.
Each manuscript should have 5 words in maximum.
– First level heading should be left-aligned and preceded by capitalized Roman numerals.
– Second level headings should be left-aligned and preceded by capitalized letters.
– Third level headings should be left-aligned and preceded by Arabic numerals.
Quotations should be clearly indicated and it is vital that they are accurate. Double quotation marks should be inserted at the beginning and end of every quotation. However, quotations longer than three lines should be set as block quotation, which should be 11 pt Times New Roman, indented both left and right by 1.0 cm, and justified-aligned.
The use of tables, figures, and charts should be kept to a minimum. All illustrations must be of reproduction-ready quality and in EPS, TIF, or JPG format. Illustrations should appear in the manuscript near where they are referenced in the text and should have short descriptive title. Figures should be clearly numbered, source and should have explanatory captions. Please supply figures and special characters separately in pdf format as a reference file.
Use of Capital Letters
The capital letters should be used where reference is made to a specific organization.
Abbreviations and Contractions
Authors always provide the complete form of an acronym/ abbreviation the first time it is presented in the text.
Foreign Words
Foreign words should be italicized (but not within quotations).
Emphasized text
To indicate text you wish to emphasize, use italics.
References and Citations
Citations, references, and sources should be fully set out in footnotes to the text and must appear in the reference list. Citations should conform to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA), 4th edition 2012, Hart Publishers. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in a reference.